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Be Free

Writer's picture: Sebastián BlaksleySebastián Blaksley

Beloved soul of Heaven, stay in me, as I stay in you. Here we are, united in the sanctity of our relationship, continuing our dialogues of light. Through them we extend wisdom and share love. Our union is a source of blessings, not only for us, but for the world. Every holy relationship bears fruits of holiness since every relationship produces an effect. That is why it is so important to ask for grace and let yourself be flooded by it, to abandon relationships based on the satisfaction of egocentric needs, and replace them with holy relationships in which you receive the light of self-knowledge in the holiness of your being.

Truly I tell you that once you love yourself with purity—not according to the old criteria of what love was supposed to be, but according to the truth—you begin to reflect the love you are. This is not with a matter of adjusting your way of acting or living to be in accordance with guidelines established by external authority, although naturally the relationship that you happen to have with authorities is also imbued by the purity of holiness. You heal from the relationship you had with the symbols of authority you move on to integrate them into love. You abandon rebellion for freedom of thought. You allow yourself to be honest with yourself and respectful of others when they think or feel differently than you do. Only when you get to that point can you experience the acceptance of diversity within unity, and enjoy the freedom of being.

I have used the example of authority symbols, given their importance in the world's system of thought, and given how deeply rooted mental and emotional patterns tend to be in relation to them. However, remember that the truth is generalizable; what has been said here also applies to any other issue. Every relationship is either based on fear or love, on self-centeredness or the freedom of holiness. Only love is freedom. Remember, my beloved, that love transforms everything into love. The light, in light. The truth, in wisdom. Holiness, in sincere joy. That is why you are urged to embrace truth, so you can know yourself in the indescribable beauty of the Christ you are. Then you can love yourself with the same love with which you were created, perfect love.

Maybe now you ask yourself, what is all of this for? The answer: so that you are happy by fulfilling God's purpose in you, which is to eternally enjoy his love. It is impossible to be happy outside of love, because outside of it nothing is true. What does not come from love causes fear, not because it's scary or dangerous, but because nothingness is terrifying by definition. How could you not fear the emptiness of being, if in it hovers the terrifying darkness of nonexistence?

Daughter and son of light, one day you looked into nothingness and what you saw terrified you to such a degree that you were shocked and stunned. You saw yourself as walking on a ledge of a cliff. You walked in fear of falling. You fixed your gaze on it so intently that you even stopped walking for fear of falling. Better, you said in the depths of your mind, to freeze here rather than take a risk, and not venture beyond what I can see. So you did not try to move on. But beloved of my Angelic heart, there are several and beautiful things I would like to tell you about it, with all the love of my being.

That vision was never real. It only existed in the imagination of a sleeping child. But now you have awakened to life. You have come out of the amnesia of being that you found yourself in for a while. Now you are the awakened one. None of that exists in the reality of your holy mind or in the purity of your heart. Those panoramas were gone as soon as you woke up, just as with all dreams. It was, a horror dream, a nightmare! Be glad to know that the illusion will not be here or anywhere else for long. Now you live in the light.

Let me also remind you that it did not occur to you to consider whether that vision was true or not. You did not ask the question of what you were. But as soon as it was formulated in your heart, the Holy Spirit came to answer, and you began to awaken from the dream of Adam, to start living again in the eternal reality of the beauty of your being. Daughter and son of Heaven, you who dwell in unity, even if that abyss you once contemplated in the nightmare of Adam’s forgetfulness was real, and if you had plunged into it, you would have fallen into the arms of God. She would have held you as a mother holds her little child to her breast. You would never have fallen into the abyss of nothingness, for God is everywhere. Nothing can separate you from Her love.

Blessed soul, rejoice in your eternal Father and divine Mother who love you madly, with a love that is not only perfect and unconditional, but infinite! Be happy to be what you are, the beloved child from Heaven, in whose reality the light of Glory shines with the beauty of holiness, for all that you are is one with God.

Blessed are you who listen to the voice of love and follow it.

Rest in peace.

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