Blessed are you, soul who immerses yourself in the light of truth, waiting to receive in the Heaven of your holy mind the grace of perfect love. Once again we are present in this union that is a dialogue of wisdom and peace. Our love is great. It spreads light to the nations. These writings, together with everything that is given from On High to the men and women of the world, is a gift without equal. No one will be able to find a similar expression on Earth because your direct relationship with me, with Christ and with creation, is unique. The uniqueness of what you are is manifested in this work as well as in your expression of life, a manifestation of the beauty you are.
I have come to ask you to take my hand, and together take a step forward on the path of devotion. Devotion and surrender are synonymous. Let us keep this knowledge at the forefront and we will understand union in a simple, easy way.
There is an infallible way to remain forever in the unity of being: doing everything for the glory of God. In this truth you will find the perfect guide for your life. What does this mean? For what purpose would you do it? Can you do anything for the All of all? Beloveds of the world, answering these questions and living within their meaning is the central purpose of these dialogues. If understood well, it is indeed the goal of every spiritual path grounded in truth and love.
You were created for divine Glory by Her, with Her, and in Her. You are Her extension. Love is the glory of the eternal Mother, since they are a one, being their divine essence and reality. Every time you extend love in the countless ways possible on Earth, you are extending the divine glory which resides in your holy being. Doing everything for the glory of God is an expression that invites you to intertwine your humanity with the divine. It calls you to make perfect love the reason for your life as the living expression of Her purest light, perfect wisdom, and unshakable peace.
To love is to live in glory. Some may believe that this is not entirely true, since you have concepts of what glory means, separate from the mind of Christ. Ask yourself this question: What do you consider to be the glory of life? Have you ever thought about it? Or do you think it a concept so abstract and meaningless that it does not concern you? I tell you, my beloveds who receive these words, that everyone has a particular answer to this question.
Not a single soul that walks the Earth does not have a singular idea about what it means to achieve glory. They may describe it differently, but the answer is there in their minds and hearts. Some call it personal success. Others call it happiness, or a state of peace and realization. In short, there are too many definitions to list. And yet often they only seek the glory of a self separated from the truth, not the true self you are in Christ.
I am speaking of exalting an ego, a false idea of yourself, as opposed to allowing the greatness of your true self to manifest freely because of what it is. The call to do everything for the glory of God is not a call to enter a monastery, to follow a particular path of devotion, or to join a group to pursue a cause, although it may include those things. It is the invitation from Heaven from the very moment of your creation and forever, to be fully yourself in the perfect expression of the Christ in you.
Rejoice to be listening to this call from Heaven to be who you really are, because in responding to it with love lies your glory and that of your divine Creator.
I bless you in holiness. And I thank you for your “yes” to love.
'I am speaking of exalting an ego, a false idea of yourself, as opposed to allowing the greatness of your true self to manifest freely because of what it is. The call to do everything for the glory of God is not a call to enter a monastery, to follow a particular path of devotion, or to join a group to pursue a cause, although it may include those things. It is the invitation from Heaven from the very moment of your creation and forever, to be fully yourself in the perfect expression of the Christ in you'. LOVE THIS!!!!