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Writer's pictureSebastián Blaksley

To Be Heaven On Earth

I. A Single Holy Being

Beloveds of Heaven, holy creatures who live—even without realizing it at times—in the embrace of God's love, you are the personification of the truth that has always given you and still gives you existence and will continue to give it forever. Oh, how much happiness there is in souls that live in love! How much joy docile hearts feel that are carried away by the wind of spirit! Detached from everything, they live attached to love. Freedom is their heritage and their reality. They are like the birds of Heaven which neither sow nor reap and yet fly free in the joy of being.

My dear one, I say to you and through you to all the men and women of the world: the world is a realm of dualities, from high to low, from kind to the lacking in kindness, from light to dark, and so on, yet despite this the dual world need not keep you from the truth about who you are or separate you from love.

Truly, truly I say, you can live in the world while being the love you truly are. Your brothers and sisters may not believe this and may even live by jumping between the extremes of duality, going from here to there according to their degree of awareness of truth. That is very common and yet is no reason for you not to stay close to me.

I am the love you really are. I am what your heart has longed for from the moment that longing for love began. I am the light the mind has been looking for since time immemorial, to be able to live in the certainty of truth and thereby rest in the peace that only the wisdom of love offers. I am the union of all that is true in you and therefore authentic. I am the reality of what you are. In me lies the escape from all ignorance because I am wisdom. I am your safe refuge in the serenity of Heaven.

You and I are one. You, the receiver of love, and I, the source of all love. The love that extends because of our union makes you aware, and helps you remain aware, of my presence in you. In other words, I am your reality which is the essence of the path of truth. Remembering that knowledge of your being truly tells you that within our divine relationship only my love is what you are. These dialogues bear witness to this. Your heart leaps for joy when you hear my voice and your mind rejoices in the beauty of the truth that my words extend like a splash of diamond water drops radiating light from within and refreshing the soul.

The mind is always in dialogue whether in silence or not. This is because the mind was created to think and cannot do that unless it has a basis for thought. Thoughts are nourished from a source which the mind draws upon, which is why you experience constant mental activity. That is not a problem in itself. It is not the activity of thought that has tired you and may still, although certainly to a lesser degree. What tires you is sin, that is, every thought disengaged from love and consequently from all feelings not coming from light associated with those thoughts.

I use the word “sin” here not to arouse fear but precisely the opposite. Sin is everything that hinders the endless happiness in which you have the right to live by reason of being a child of God. Everything that threatens happiness, inner peace, and harmony of being. I do so in order for you to understand, in the realm of duality, that there is that which is contrary to the love you really are—and for you to be able to decide to remain in the light without ever again needing to enter the darkness.

To be happy is to be love. To be wise is to be love. To be holy is to be love.

As you can see, my beloved, we are no longer talking about seeking happiness, wisdom, or holiness. Rather, we addressing what your heart deeply longs for. This leads us to recognize in a simple way that the heart has the capacity to know what love is and where truth dwells. The heart knows because it feels disgusted with everything not in unity with me, that is, with your true nature, the essence of perfect love. That knowledge of the heart is one with what it is therefore it cannot be lost. This is why it is so important to listen to your heart and make a resolute commitment to follow its voice. Love speaks to your heart. This is as true as that truth speaks to reason.

As you learn to listen to both the languages ​​of the mind and of the heart, to allow who you are to observe without judgment and embrace it in the sanctity of your being, you begin to feel the peace of having returned to wholeness of soul. That state of unity in which everything that arises within you is embraced by the love that we are is what brings the peace of Heaven to your inner reality and from there to everything.

II. To Be Communion

To be happy is to be who you really are. From this follows the bliss of the soul that comes from and exists in the truth of your reality. Every time you feel you are living in harmony with what you know to be true, you are happy and you therefore spread happiness, maybe manifested with a smile or a happy song, an affectionate hug or kind words full of light. Many other times with a simple silence in which the soul is immersed in the certainty of being what it really is and therefore rests in peace.

The knowledge of Heaven was given to you in your creation and cannot be lost! You can deny it to a certain degree but never completely. Therefore, knowing what makes you happy and where the peace and love you seek reside is part of who you are. You know because your heart tells you these words are true. You know who is speaking to your soul. Your whole being resounds when you hear the voice from Heaven calling you to the dialogue of beautiful love. The call of love is irresistible. It cannot be silenced.

My sons and daughters who during all these years—long and beautiful in the Kingdom of time but tiny compared to eternity, for time is both long and short simultaneously—have been receiving and sharing my word, know that dialogue is your natural language. There is no other in which you feel more comfortable. This is because union and relationship are the natural state of your being. To speak with God, with the Holy Spirit, with the angels of Heaven, with Jesus and Mary, with the saints and blessed of the Kingdom, as well as with your brothers and sisters and with the whole of creation, is to live in the relationship of totality—the awareness of your perfect completion.

Dialogue is the reality of communion. Indeed, dialogue is communion. This means that relationship really exists only when there is a dialogue, that is, when two hearts unite in truth. This definition of dialogue allows you to understand the importance of listening to your heart, honoring it and loving it as well as the hearts of others. Remember that if you do not accept the feelings of your brothers and sisters and honor and embrace them in love, that is, if you do not recognize them, then you do not accept, honor, or immerse yours in the light, as they are one. The same is true of your way of thinking and of manifesting yourself. Everything must be integrated into love so that you can stop living in a duality that makes you feel pulled from extreme to the other. There is no need to live like this, even in the human experience.

Once you know yourself and agree to live in your truth there is no reason for fear. Remember, all fear comes from the fear of not being. And if that cause disappears, so do its effects. I assure you, every panic attack, anguish of all kinds and feelings of insecurity you have ever experienced come from the fact that you have disconnected from your truth of your being, or believe you have. You believe you have betrayed yourself by expressing as true what you know is not. Whether that expression was in words, actions or thoughts or emotions is the same, because for the soul there is no such thing as inside and outside, but only the extension of itself, whose source is yourself. When the self seeks to manifest something contrary to the truth of the soul, inner conflict arises.

This is how the heart operates: it alerts you to its state, to whatever degree you are acting out of love or have moved away from love. Your being is not really moving away—that is impossible because it would be moving away from itself—but your human thoughts, feelings, and desires are. But life does not have to be like this but only when one continues to experience duality.

You may think we have regressed a bit, speaking of things already far behind us, things such as the definition of sin, the self, thoughts, the source of love and fear. But it is not so. We have made use of this knowledge to move forward and express with perfect clarity the simplest and easiest way to leave the dual world.

III. To Be One

You are not a dual being. You are a unique one. The experience of duality is alien to your being. It is a language that cannot be understood by anything part of you; neither your soul, nor your mind, nor your heart can rest in peace with duality. You were not created by a dual being but by the One Love from whose holiness all things are born in the unity of being and in whose only light truth and life shine. How do you abandon the experience of being in a world of dualities? By choosing to live in one of the poles in which that reality is experienced. You can choose at any time between peace or conflict, between serenity or attack, between being right or being happy, or between pleasing others or being true to yourself. In short, between living in illusion or in truth, in fear or love. You choose every moment whether you are aware of doing so or not. Indeed, becoming aware is what these words are about.

Since you are always choosing how to experience life events, what is being advocated here is not a new action or a new effort to make. No, what you are being reminded of is that you never give up the power to choose. The only thing that happens when you are choosing something unconsciously is that you are making a choice based on a mental habit. This ability to create automatic mental patterns and emotional responses is very useful for our purpose and we will use it so that truth spreads from your being to the whole world.

The choices you think you make unconsciously are not, really. What happens is that they are choices you have been repeating over and over again to the point of having transformed them into a habit. You no longer need to think about the choice each time. This is how you learned the things you learned, such as walking, writing, and much else. What we will now do is use that habit-creating mechanism for the purpose of recognizing the holiness that you are: to make it a habit to live being love and nothing but love, to live solely and exclusively in the light that you are, that you have always been, and that you will always be: the light of Christ.

Whenever you find yourself in a situation you think can make you lose your inner peace and harmony and therefore happiness, remember that everything is a matter of choice. You cannot choose how things are but you can choose how to relate to them. You cannot determine what the world will be but you can tell it:

Peace is my only heritage, my only star, and my only wish.

When you do that, what happens is events stop determining your inner state. You achieve a holy indifference to the world, or put another way, you become the sovereign of your soul. You drop duality.

In reality, events never determined anything inside you. It is always the choice you make that determines how you feel about things or yourself, and how you experience it. The experience has nothing to do with events but with the decisions you make deep inside, and that is a question of what you think you are. That is why I insist, again and again, on reminding you of what you are so that the truth of love that your being is, is something as natural to you as breathing, and thus you never again forget the holiness of your being, the beauty of your heart, and the beauty of your holy mind. And because of this, you always walk the path of beautiful love, the only path that will make you happy.

Live alone in love. Hold loving thoughts for yourself, for others and for the whole world. Cultivate the flowers of virtue in your soul so that the aroma of your holiness spreads throughout the Earth. Beautify your physical and spiritual body with noble feelings. Clothe yourself with greatness. Walk the world shrouded in the light of truth. Carry the treasure of the knowledge of who you really are in the sanctuary of your heart and the temple of your consciousness. Don't let things creep into you that have nothing to do with the greatness of your divinity, and you will see how Heaven is present in you. You will talk with angels. Creation will sing love songs to you and you will join in them. You will be a joy to your sisters and brothers, a rest for weary minds, a balm for wounds, and a shelter for those tired of going around and around in a circle. You will be Heaven on Earth.

Blessed are those who live in love.

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