I. The memory of the truth
Gender identity, or any other type of qualification, means nothing in itself to humanized Christs. This is because they know the true identity of the daughters and sons of God. They come into the world with that knowledge very alive in their particular consciousnesses and they do not forget it. They are love. Therefore, they are what the Creator of all true things, and therefore holiness, has ordained since and forever. They do not live in the dream of oblivion of being, which is none other than a monumental confusion about the true identity of the daughters and sons of God.
You have already been told that the age of the heart, which follows that of reason, is one in which the identity crisis is finally left behind. As a result, a new experience begins. A new stage in the manifestation of the created. This does not only concern human beings, but every living being. The forgetting of being was a fact of universal consciousness. This means that all creation was submerged in the cloud of amnesia that “forgetting what I am” means.
We say “a fact” not because in the reality of your being this has occurred. It cannot be created without God, nor is it possible to extend what has no cause. Remember that only love is the source of all life and therefore of meaning itself. In such a way that there is no such thing as the option of manifesting something foreign to love, to the eternal, to the harmonious, as the divine Being is. Only in fantasies can something like this be done.
What is being revealed here, beloved of my heart, is that the illusion of separation, sin, and death, is one that embraced all of creation. This is because we are unity. One can't fall into the degree of consciousness and the others do not. Not even God himself. For that reason, I became humanity in the dimension of unconsciousness. Something like this was inevitable because we are one heart, one mind, one reality.
Once the identity crisis is overcome, or transcended, what sense can there be in believing in identities that have nothing to do with Christ? Whether you identify with one gender or another, or with any of the forms that the human personality takes, and you believe that is what you are, you are living in a chimera. Seeing God in all things is the way of seeing the humanized Christ. How each human being expresses himself is completely irrelevant when considering his reality. Does the fact that you represent a character of this or that characteristic on a theatrical stage make you like that?
Love is the way and life of humanized Christs, therefore they demonstrate love even in the most challenging conditions for reason. In this way, they will express the eternal unconditionality of holy love. Let's put it plainly. When a brother or sister is in front of a humanized Christ, what they see is Christ giving them the opportunity to give love or receive it. Nothing more, nothing less.
The reality of creation is the eternal exchange of the flow of love. That's what life is. There is no other way to define it that fits the truth as the Holy Spirit knows it. Everything exists within the infinite flow of perfect love. Giving and receiving love in unity is the essence of the pulsation of creation. It is the beat of your heart. That is why we have talked so much about the heart. In no other revelation that has been given to humanity has this word been used as much as in the one that is part of the writings that are given to humanity through you. This has a purpose.
God is a heart, just as you and everyone are. This means the following. The vital impulse or force that makes life vibrate, that energy that makes you alive, is nothing other than the torrent of divine love moving in you. That same “energy” or “power” is present in everything that exists. This knowledge is something that humanity had forgotten in the past. But in the new land that is already here, and will be seen more and more clearly, this is not the case.
II. See Christ
If you still believe that being “more one way” or “another way” adds any real value to you, you are still confused about who you are. Naturally, the issue of identity crisis has to be seen first and then resolved. That is the function of the many who have come during the time of transition to bring this issue to consciousness. They are those who challenge structures with their unconventional ways of being and manifesting themselves.
What has been said above is and will be expressed at all levels of human life. In other words, it will manifest more and more until everyone can see Christ in their sister and brother. That is the function of this transitional time where structures crumble one after another. Finally, everyone will remember that the only sensible way to see things is through the prism of love. Form has no intrinsic value. This applies both to relationships and to the ways people and other living beings manifest themselves. The only thing that has real value for humanized Christs is the truth.
But what truth is it that the new humanity brings resplendent in their minds and hearts, so much so that no one can fail to see it? The truth about the identity of all things. They are enlightened beings in all their reality. They do not stop shining in the glory of the father due to the fact of having a physical body or going through earthly experiences for a certain amount of time. Wherever they go, they spread love. They embrace in holiness. They communicate humanized divinity.
As already stated, if you identify with a gender, or believe that one of those identifications is holier than another, you are believing that form is an essence. That naturally denotes great confusion regarding the truth. Being and expression are two inseparable dimensions of unity but they are not the same speaking. This is something you can understand very easily. It is in your ability to be as God created you to be and at the same time express yourself as if you were not. You are capable of acting. You do it every time you stop being yourself.
Is it possible for you to love your sister or brother in all circumstances of life? Is it within you the power to extend love to all living beings, regardless of their ways of manifesting and behaving? Of course. You can because you are one of the humanized Christs, otherwise these words would not have reached you. My voice would not have reached you in this particular expression. Going beyond forms to the essence of things is the gift of love towards all your sons and daughters.
What is being told to you, holy soul full of light, is that there is no reason for you to be concerned with appearances or identified with the external, since you know very well the truth about everything. You know it because that knowledge dwells in your heart and you have become aware of it. Why else would you be here, listening to me with loving attention?
Just because certain people, organizations, and structures manifest themselves in a way that is more in line with the way your thinking mind thinks or values things, does not mean that they are closer to the truth. It simply means that the inquiring aspect of the mind considers them better simply because they are better known to it. Remember that the separated mind likes to reconfigure everything in such a way that it can create its reality. Which is as far from the truth as the east is from the west and much further.
Humanized Christs extend love because that is what they are. They do it even using all forms of earthly expression. They never identify with anything temporary because they know their eternal reality. The only thing they do about the question of whether someone identifies more or less with a gender, or with any aspect of creation, is love. They demonstrate with their lives that love does not stop at forms but is united with content. If the form extends love, they become one with it to create a new holy love. If, on the other hand, they do not express love, they know that there is an opportunity to give love because they vividly remember the following truth.
Creation is the gift that God has given to his daughters and sons so that they can give and receive love in a flow that has no beginning or end. That is the only function of everything created, because of what it is. There is nothing more, but also nothing less.
Blessed are you who hear my voice and follow it.
Amen 💖🙏💖