Beloved community of The Movement of Beautiful Love,
We are pleased to announce the co-creation of a new program or encounters called Discernment of the Heart. In it, we will remember what it means to connect with our deep heart, that is, with the center of our being. We do it to find that inner place where the answers that the Spirit of Wisdom reveals to us are found.
Discernment of the heart will not be a place of debate but of union with the being. It is not intended to indoctrinate, pontificate, or give definitions or dogmas. None of that is part of our goal.
Duration: One hour and a half.
Confidentiality and privacy: It will be shared publicly only at the audio level. The names of the participants or any personal references will not be shared. Neither do the videos. No images of participants.
General facilitator: Sebastián Blaksley, based on the revelations received by him.
Structure: Introduction, silence, facilitator-led approach, question and answer session.
Co-facilitators: Anyone who feels like it is invited to propose topics or ask questions in advance. Also to act as a co-facilitator. In the latter case, a direct dialogue will be established with Sebastián Blaksley during the focus session.
Weekly dates:
-First and Fifth Wednesday of each month at 11:30 Argentina time - Session in Spanish.
-Third Wednesday of each month at 11:30 Am Argentina - Session in English.
Start date:
- Wednesday, October 30 (Spanish)
- Wednesday 20th. November (English)
Access information via ZOOM: Request to or find it on the Foundation's WhatsApp.
Others: Registration on ZOOM will be required.
Donate:Donations at will are welcome for this and other encoutners co-created by Fundaicón Amor vivo.

Thank you for this Sebastian. I am very interested, this connection to our inner being, is what I have sensed the world in need of acutely! This is perfect timing!