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The Movement of Beautiful Love

PĆŗblicoĀ·174 Co-creadores

The Age of the Heart

Message from the Editor

Dear friend,

I am thrilled to tell you that a remarkable new message from Jesus, The Age of the Heart: The Birth of a New Heaven and a New Earth, has been published. It was received through SebastiƔn Blaksley.

A quantum leap is occurring in the history of humankind, a movement from the Age of Reason to the Age of the Heart. Many of us sense this to be true. This leap is well underway, is divinely ordained, is unstoppableā€”and we are essential actors in this drama.

The Age of the Heart explains how an enormous transformation that will hugely impact everyone and every social system is occurring both individually and globally. It explains the turmoil being experienced both personally and socially, which is but the birth pangs of a universal transmutationā€”the reflection of changing consciousness. It explains how elevated consciousness is ushering in an era of unprecedented splendor, the living expression of the love we really are.

And when, you might ask, is this to take place? The book includes the revelation to SebastiƔn of the timeline of this divine plan, which is much speedier than you might expect.

The Age of the Heart is now available to order from your favorite bookstore, or from Amazon (either the printed book or e-book).

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