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To The Union With Christ

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Coming soon in Spanish


Coming soon in Spanish

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Refugio de amor divino. Un lugar consagrado a nuestra Madre del cielo. Centro de ejercicios espirituales, retiros, encuentros y oracíón.

Every word you receive here is a drop of divinity poured into you. All of them fall as if it were a holy rain, penetrating and fertilizing the heart. Then the flowers of divine beauty, in all their diversity, begin to grow.  And the memory of the first love that is God becomes ever clearer. (Choose Only Love)

We thank all those who make this collaborative work possible, with their donations of talent, time, prayers, money, jobs and other ways of expression of love for God.

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Varias secciones en inicio
Sebastián Blaksley, receiver of the works

Born in 1968, Sebastián Blaksley is originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina. In his own words: “Since I can remember, I have felt the call of Jesus and Mary to live abandoned to their will... ".In 2013, he had mystical experiences in which he was given the task of writing, telling him: "You will be a pencil in the hand of God."  



Located in the Tigre Delta, Buenos Aires, Argentina.  

A place consecrated to Immaculate Mother Mary,  Mother of all creation.

Stays, retreats, reading and prayer groups, meetings.  

Learn more...


We hold meetings by ZOOM and in person

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Pilgrims of Peace is a movement, within the Movement of Beautiful Love, instituted by Jesus, as it was expressed in the message received in 2013, to extend the peace of Christ in the world.

Join us to spread peace worldwide


Our Divine Mother invites us to join The Movement of Beautiful Love to co-create the New Earthly Kingdom

Different languages, one message of Love

Extending love to the world is an essential part of our mission


The Age of The Heart, German edition


The Age of The Heart, Korean edition


The Age of The Heart, English edition

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Truly Beloved book 1, edición en Inglés


The Choose Only Love series - Englsih edition

Knowing the truth of who we are, we experience an irrepressible impulse to want to share with others what we have seen and heard in the depth of our soul. From this driving force arise the meetings, retreats, presentations and the various activities that take place throughout the world. The work is available in Spanish, English, Hungarian, and German.  If you wish to participate in the translation program, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Book I: Dialogues of a Soul

Dialogues of a soul is an expression of the awakening of consciousness, through mystical union. A manifestation of the life of Christ in human nature. It reveals access to divine knowledge through a new way: the direct relationship with God here and now. A work of Heaven given to the world so that we can rest in the certainty that Christ lives in everyone and everything.

Extending love to the world

"There is a nucleus within you that is related to the divine center. This pushes your spirit and spurs it to expand, to come out of the chrysalis and begin to fly. Everything that is love is what will begin to expand now"  
(Excerpt from "Choose Only Love")

Message of gratitude from heaven, received in the voice of Jesus. Thank you for helping us spread the Beautiful Love Movement, a way to co-create the new in togetherness and relationship..."



“My soul sings the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior. Because He poured out His blessing on all creation. He did great things in me. The grace of His love fertilized my self, making me the wife of His divinity. Let the universe sing a hymn of praise and gratitude to the love of love. Let everyone know that God is merciful, that His Kingdom is eternal, as eternal is His love for His children. His fidelity is unbreakable and great is His power. May all open their hearts to the Christ of God and live in the glory of love.”  

Fragment from Choose Only Love, Book 1: Echoes of Holiness - Chapter 6 Devotion: Union of the Three Hearts

Unión de los 3 corazones
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© 2021 Choose Only Love | Fundación Amor vivo

Our name "Fundación Amor vivo" (Living Love Foundation) seeks to represent our aspiration to live as the love that we truly are. That is, to live here and now as the Christ in us. "I am love and nothing but love" is the Truth that we long to make real here, now, and forever. Our mission is to extend and live the writings received by Sebastián Blaksley. Our foundation is subject to the regulation of Argentina.

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