Jesus has asked Sebastian Blaksley, in February 2022, to institute the Healing Prayer. This consists of praying at Refuge of Divine Love, the first Saturday of each month at 3 pm, a particular prayer that is included in chapter 6 of book 1 of Choose Only Love - "Devotion: Union of the Three Hearts."
For this reason, starting on the first Saturday of March 2022, the healing service has been implemented, for all those who feel the need to heal physically or spiritually. Christ is the source of miracles and its vehicle.

Jesus says to Sebastian... "Through the Healing Prayer, I will give unimaginable graces, I will gift miracles for the body and soul. Whoever participates in it will receive in holiness more than what his or her mind and heart are capable of conceiving. I want by this means to heal the entire humanity".

The Healing Prayer is held at 3 pm on the first Saturday of each month at Refuge of Divine Love.
Duration is about 30 minutes. Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed.
Everyone called to participate, due to his or her need for healing, or on behalf of others, can contact us by sending an email to info@fundaciónamorvivo.org
Healing Prayer is not filmed, recorded, or shared on social media. Those who feel the need to be healed physically or spiritually can participate by coming to Refuge of Divine Love or via ZOOM.
If you cannot attend personally - or vía ZOOM - please do not hesitate to send an email requesting to be included in the healing prayer. Although it is not necessary, you can send pictures, first and last name, as well as any other information you feel the need to send. Requests are handled confidentially.
Anyone can participate on behalf of others who request or feels the need for healing.
In the Healing Prayer, we pray for the particular intentions received and the healing of the entire world.

Access information
to participate remotely
If you want to participate in the Healing Prayer ministry by coming to Refuge of Divine Love to pray with us on the first Saturday of each month or help us with other tasks related to it, do not hesitate to contact us. Your help is needed and appreciated