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Bodies, Minds, and Hearts

I. The Knowledge of the New

It is a misunderstanding to believe that the causes of pain and suffering to the sons and daughters of God will remain without being transmuted by love. Your desire for peace creates peace. Your longing for love calls for love. Your deep interest in building a better world brings Heaven to Earth. I assure you, being of my being, that you could not have those feelings if they had not already been consummated. You want to be happy because you already know perpetual happiness. You want to be healthy, strong, and live without limitations because your being knows the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven, that is, eternal life. And it knows that only in the Kingdom can it be full. That knowledge is part of who you are.

Let us see if you can remember with me what one day was shown to you in holiness and justice, and allow the memory of Heaven to return. Close your eyes for a moment. Put aside everything you think you know. Immerse yourself in a conscious oblivion of everything you have experienced in form up to now. Drop it all. Empty yourself, to the point of doing nothing in love.

Now, holy heart, rest in the stillness of your soul. Be silent. Do not even speak to the She who will bring you the vision of the new creation, as new as love is and as eternal as God Himself.

Be still. Allow the knowledge of the truth about the fate of all things to arise in your holy mind. And you will begin to remember. You will remember little by little, but more and more clearly, the colors and shapes, the music and the beauties of that Kingdom full of light, peace, and perfect certainty. And with that, you will also remember that it is there where you dwell forever in union with the beloved of your soul, in harmony with every aspect of God's true creation. That is your home from which you have never been absent.

Now open your eyes and breathe calmly. Return to the reception of these words. Do not think that the vision of the new Earthly Kingdom has not been given to you. You got it. And your soul jumped for joy at the memory of a love without beginning or end, a reality whose benevolence and plenitude far exceed what the intellectual mind is capable of conceiving. Rejoice! You have received the vision of the new Heaven and the new Earth, which your consciousness embraced in its perfect light even though the thinking mind may not have comprehended.

Again, where do you think the desire to create a better world or dissatisfaction with suffering comes from but from the knowledge of a new creation? Perhaps the learning mind asks that the new Heaven and the new Earth be created in the future. That is because you may still be associating the word “new” with something that never existed before, and therefore must be created at a later time. The association between creation and time is so meaningless that it is pointless to hold it in your beliefs.

II. The Perpetual Embrace of Light

The new creation is not realized in time but in eternity. It does not arise from recycling the current creation like an improvement on a previous error, but rather is born as a new expression of the infinite potentiality of God. Love sweetly swept away what the son and daughter did which turned against God, causing all kinds of pain. Love made it disappear without any stridency, and instead made shine a dimension of existence that manifests what was longed for in truth, rather than in illusions, in perfect harmony with the will of God.

The body, which was once used to separate, in the new creation is a means of extending love, being a mirror on which the holiness of Christ is reflected. The mind, which had been used so many times to evade reality and create multiple worlds of fantasies that moved the soul away from truth and brought pain, in the new Heaven and the new Earth is the perfect medium through which spirit creates a new holy love. The heart creates melodies of praise.

Nothing created by the sons and daughters of God has been destroyed. Rather, love took it in its hands and by uniting with it, transformed these creations into sacred forms—holy, benevolent, harmless, and eternally joyous realities. Remember that your creative will, which manufactured many things not in harmony with divine essence, can be and has been transmuted by the energy of divine love.

If the wish of the son of God is to have a body, why should it not? Because it would be an obstacle to holiness, or a barrier to truth? Perhaps that was the original purpose that you assigned to it when identifying yourself with the ego. But it need not remain like that forever. Everything, absolutely everything you create and do is transmuted into perfect love, salutary light, and perpetual benevolence by being united to the Christ in you. That is what the divine essence does. You cannot change this, because to do so would be to change God.

Love does not despise what you or anyone has done. Why would it do that? Remember, love is incapable of offending or attacking. Therefore, rather than thinking about everything you will lose when you enter Heaven, begin to realize everything you will gain because of infinite divine mercy. Your entire world will be given to you in holiness, restored to perfection, transmuted into a light that is never extinguished. You will be able to enjoy your creations since they will be in perfect harmony with the creative power of God.

Beloved of the truth, you will not lose your body, your being, or your loved ones when you meet with perfect love in the new Heaven and the new Earth. Neither will you be deprived of anything you love in holiness. Rather, you will recover all of it with a new holy quality. This is not a matter of divine whim; it is what you always wanted. Despite everything, behind your creations, whatever they may be, is the desire to be like your Father. And you will be, eternally in union with truth.

III. Everything is Profit

Let me say clearly: In the new creation, a new body is the same body but reunited for the holy purpose of communicating perfect love and enjoying divine bliss for all eternity. It does not die or weaken or change over time, since it is subject only to the eternal. Its function is to extend fellowship and communicate holiness. It is a living expression of the body of Christ.

In the new Earthly Kingdom, a new mind is the same mind, but all gathered together in the holy purpose of spreading truth and of being an active medium through which you believe with God. It is not stunned by disharmonious thoughts that distance it from the eternal divine present. It is a unified mind, healed and centered in truth, which therefore enjoys perfect certainty and knowledge. That is why it dwells happily in the peace of Heaven. It is the mind of Christ expressing itself in you.

A new heart is the same heart as always, but gathered in the purpose of extending perfect love. In this way it creates new love in union with its holy Source. It has been transformed into a channel of divine love. It no longer moves in a jarring way, since it beats to the rhythm of the heart of God. Everything in it is pure, radiating the light of Christ and singing only hymns of praise and gratitude. It only smiles at love, in whom it has all predilection, since it knows nothing other than to love its divine beloved, with whom it remains forever embraced and united.

To believe that God is angry for what humanity has manufactured is to conceive of love as being non-loving. Believing that the final outcome of the history of humanity—and with it, of the journey of your soul—consists of appearing before divine love so that you can be shown your foolishness, and to show you its wonderful creations, is to believe that your Creator Mother is competing with you and that She has to prove something. That makes no sense. So I lovingly ask you to abandon any type of belief that may resemble this.

Think not that in God the idea of loss is trivial; it is what has delayed humanity’s jubilant and triumphant entrance into Heaven, its eternal home. Once again, my son and daughter, you will lose nothing by returning to my arms. There will only be profit much greater than you can conceive, and you will keep everything you have created, transmuted into a quality of holiness in Christ—magnificence, beauty, and happiness beyond everything that you could see, hear, or even think about.

Truly, truly I tell you, beloved humanity, that by coming to me you will not lose anything but will gain everything. The desires of your hearts will be fulfilled to a degree of fullness that surpasses human measure. Rejoice in this truth!

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