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Truth Serves

I. Divine Extension

Beloved soul of my soul, I have deliberately left out the matter of sharing. This is due to the implications this may have, and also a matter of understanding. Listen, my daughter, my son, with loving attention and calm openness.

Is it necessary to share what the heart feels or the mind thinks? Yes. Because otherwise, you keep in the vaults of unconsciousness something that is part of your present experience. Why would you do something like that? Why would you stop sharing what happens in your heart if not to keep it for yourself? What other cause can that have but fear?

The idea of "keeping something for oneself" is foreign to the truth of being, since there is no such thing as something exclusive to anyone. Everything comes from the love of God and is given to all equally. Divine sharing has no preferences, exclusions, or secrets. The creative Source is a pure ever-shining light. In your eternal reality there is no darkness. Everything is visible to everyone because it belongs to everyone in everything. Naturally, this cannot be understood, much less accepted, by a mind that conceives itself as separate and defines itself in a self-referential way.

As you know, in the world of individuality it is believed that some things belong to some, others that belong to others. This is understandable given the false association that exists between having and being. According to the criteria of the wishful thinking system, if you keep more, if you preserve things for yourself without giving or sharing with others, you avoid losing or diminishing your being.

The problem that you often have with sharing matters of the heart and mind is that you do not clearly understand the true meaning of sharing. In this dialogue we will offer a particular vision concerning sharing which adjusts to the purpose of your being.

Sharing is an act of communion, an act of common-union from heart-to-heart, from being to being, from the Christ in you to the Christ in your sister and brother. There is no other level on which you can truly share, for only in the truth of your identity—in the Christ that you are—can you unite with what the sons and daughters of God are, that is, with every aspect of creation.

Illusions cannot be shared because for a bond of communion to exist, perfect reciprocity is necessary and this is only possible in love. Only in a reciprocal giving and receiving as one can there be true sharing. When you give what others cannot receive, or what is susceptible to being interpreted differently by others, you but maintain the appearance of relationship yet remain isolated.

II. Share: The Reality of Love

If it is not possible to share illusions, what else can you share but the truth? Remember, outside of truth nothing is real. Therefore, when I speak of sharing in resurrection encounters—and this concerns every encounter between sisters and brothers—what I am saying is that spaces of loving reception will be created without judgment, definitions, or pre-defined formats in which the spirit of love that dwells in all will express itself in ways only it can. This may be accomplished with words shared in a group or in more individual gatherings, as the heart dictates. The experience is that of allowing the soul to express itself freely in truth. Remember that silence, too, is a form of expression, and it can be as holy as speech when coming from love.

What are you invited to share in heart-to-heart encounters? Your being. You may wonder how to do so, but that very question arises from the old thought system that has no anchor in the new. That old way of thinking has already been left behind.

The being knows how to share him- or herself in truth. He or she knows how to live in communion. Indeed, this is the only possible way of relating, since it is the way in which the Creator of all that is holy, beautiful, and eternal has arranged forever. Life is communion, as is love. Therefore creation is its expression.

Brothers and sisters all over the world! You are living in the light of resurrection without realizing it. Rejoice that you can pass from the special relationship or the non-relationship to the state of communion. I assure you that this change is unimaginably great. Its implications are universal. Your Earthly experience will be different and luminous; you will walk calmly on the roads of the world. You will smile much more. Your breath will be slower and deeper. You will leave turmoil behind, for all anxiety and disharmony come from a lack of unity.

Remember always to stay united to your inner Kingdom, that universe so vast and full of vital energy, creativity, love, and beauty that you know lives in your center. To the extent that you become more and more united with it, to that extent you live in communion. And once you do, or rather accept this as the eternal reality of your being, you have no difficulty in relating on Earth as it is in Heaven, which comes about by reason of the communion of saints, a perpetual give-and-take from being to being, from Christ to Christ.

Remember, my daughter, my son, that it is not words or gestures that heal, but love. Therefore it is unnecessary to say anything in a communion meeting, nor to predetermine anything. Just listen inside with full attention on your heart. The voice of love that you are will guide you in every present moment. You will see what you should see, hear what you should hear, and whatever should be revealed in every moment will be revealed. All is rooted in the now. You will not be given abstract universal knowledge but knowledge linked to the present.

III. The Eternal Present

Beloved of my divine being, remember that although truth serves all creation in the immense universe and is generalizable to all times, places, circumstances, and dimensions of existence, it is useless if it does not serve you in each present moment. This knowledge will set you free; it will heal you of past mental and emotional compulsive of patterns unanchored to what is real.

A truth that does not work now, never works. Only the present is real, even in the realm of time, as in eternity. If you search for a truth that fits all times, beings, and circumstances, you will find nothing, because truth is as alive and life-giving as love; it cannot become static or pigeonholed. It is eternally present.

My daughter, my son, I ask you to no longer ask the truth of this matter or that. Rather I urge you, when you feel the need to invoke the truth—which you will more and more until it accompanies you every day—to do so by asking: What does the truth tell me now? In this present moment? With this shift you will understand that the truth lives in you as much as it does in me. You will become aware that you are the truth as well as the resurrection.

Being truth is different than simply hearing its sweet voice. To be truth is to recognize that its beauty is what you are; that your identity is a unique expression of its divine light. Just as each sunbeam takes its energy from the sun, your being takes it from me, who am the Source of resurrection and life. Accepting this and integrating it into your humanity here and now is how to access the consciousness of resurrection—the recognition that you are the risen from love. It is saying “yes” to truth.

Rejoice, you who have risen to eternal life.

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